MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.1

For over ten years we had classes to work with Phidget devices. Check out the Phidgets website for a list of sensors, motors and I/O boards available. We rewrote the classes to use the newer Phidgets libraries and integrate newer APIs. Your Xojo app can use sensors for light or temperature, react on them with running a motor to move the solar arrays. The old Phidget classes got an Old prefix, so you can continue to use them until you moved to the new classes.
Our Scintilla control to host a professional text editor got a lot of Xojo developers excited. We enhanced it with a few new functions and bug fixes. The updated example shows you how to implement search and replace as well as HTML syntax colorizing. The LexerNames functions can list the over 100 available lexers to pick one for syntax coloring.
For macOS we added NSSwitchControlMBS and DesktopNSSwitchControlMBS controls to host a switch control. The NSSwitchMBS class can configure the control appearance. The controlSize property for NSControlMBS class allows you to pick between small, normal and big button styles. If you load symbol images for NSImageMBS class, you can now use NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS class to configure the options for it.
The DynaPDFMBS class got new support for PDF/A 2u and 3u. The new SpaceWidthFactor property allows you to control how the ExtractText function adds spaces. And you can pass empty text for RenameSpotColor to make a no name spot color.
For Windows we updated our Chromium classes to a newer version of CEF. Whatever Xojo version you use, our plugin can detect the version of Chromium and use the right interface.
We changed the MenuAction events for our controls to be named ContextualMenuAction or ContextualMenuItemSelected to match Xojo. Our ConstructContextualMenu events are now matching Xojo's controls. You may have to adjust your code if you use those.
We got a CoverArt property for TagLibFileRefMBS class to read cover art for MP3, MP4 or FLAC music files, the CheckCertificates and Verify methods for X509MBS class, a quick and handy ContainsWholeWordMBS function, and a SetTextAlignment method to change text alignment for NSAlertMBS class.
Finally we updated CURL library to version 7.82.0, DynaPDF to, LCMS to 2.13.1, SQLAPI to 5.1.9, SQLite to 3.38.1 and Xcode to 13.2.1.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.