MBS FileMaker Plugin 12.1 - More than 6700 Functions In One Plugin

We extend the auto complete feature on macOS for variable names and added auto complete for MBS function names. Type a letter to see component list. When you have a pick in the menu, type a dot to complete and then type the next letter for the function. Column width saving for the Layout Picker dialog is now implemented. The SyntaxColoring.ColorizeScript function can colorize a script text for you.
For Windows we got WinPhotoAcquire functions to import photos from digital cameras (DLSR) on your Windows PC. We show the standard Windows dialogs for picking the device or what pictures to import.
The DynaPDF functions got new support for PDF/A 2u and 3u in DynaPDF.CheckConformance function. The DynaPDF.SetSpaceWidthFactor function allows you to control how the DyanPDF.ExtractText function adds spaces. If you like to produce invoices with ZUGFeRD standard, we got a new example database to show you have to create the XML and embed it into a PDF.
Doing math in FileMaker? We got a few new functions to work on lists as well as multiple parameters: Math.Average, Math.Max, Math.Median, Math.Min, Math.Multiply, Math.Reciprocal, Math.StandardDeviation, and Math.Sum.
If you use the FileMaker iOS SDK on a M1 Mac, you can now run the MBS FileMaker Plugin with Apple Silicon in the iOS simulator.
We tuned our WebHook functions to limit the maximum size of a request. Use WebRequest.GetBodySize and WebRequest.GetSize to query the size of the request later.
Our plugin knows the parameter names for functions and you can query them with Plugin.GetFunctionParameters function. We show a tooltip on macOS for the function parameters if you hover over the MBS function name with your mouse cursor. The trace logs show the parameter names for MBS calls, which should help debugging your scripts.
For macOS you can now change the alignment of text in a dialog with Dialog.SetTextAlignment function. You can use FM.QueryCustomFunctionsList and FM.CustomFunctionsList functions to query the list of custom functions in a file. And with CNContactStore.FetchContact you can fetch a contact again to refresh it if needed.
We got a Audit.Statistics function to help you check what Audit functions did, a Files.AudioCoverArt function to query cover art pictures for MP3, MP4 or FLAC music files, a Text.Reverse function with proper Emoji handling and a handy Dictionary.Lookup function to return a value or the default value. The XML.Colorize and JSON.Colorize functions now support dark mode.
Finally we updated CURL library to version 7.82.0, DynaPDF to, LCMS to 2.13.1, SQLAPI to 5.1.9, SQLite to 3.38.1, Xcode to 13.2.1.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.