xDev Magazine 20.2
A Rad Way for RAD by David Duke
Xojo is an awesome RAD -- Rapid Application Development -- platform, but there are still features missing for a finished, polished application. Now David Duke is introducing his new Cryptic RADPACK, an add-on for Xojo that includes tons of widgets, controls, and other bits of code to make creating your next app even faster!
Stuck in Quarantine by Marc Zeedar
As Apple makes macOS more secure, it also complicates app installation. Here Marc writes about getting bitten by Apple's "quarantine" feature when he installed Xojo.
Cipher Part 6 -- DES by Eugene Dakin
Eugene culminates his "ciphere" series by exploring the DES encryption standard, which builds upon everything we've learned so far.
Colorominoes by Marc Zeedar
Marc tries to get a game written in REALbasic in the 1990s up and running with the latest Xojo.
Plus: Debugging basics, desktop user interfaces, how to make Wifi QR codes, SQL triggers, and much more!