MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 12.1pr4

- Added auto complete for MBS function names
- Fixed an issue with fonts and GMImage.Annotate for iOS.
- Improved the feature where we colorize parts of a MBS function name in red/blue whether the part is valid to work for 3 component function names.
- Added type parameter for WIA.SetItemPropertyValue function.
- Added GUID (or CLSID) as type for WIA.SetDevicePropertyValue and WIA.SetItemPropertyValue function.
- Added ContinuityCamera.Initialize function.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteFunctions.GetEnabled, SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteFunctions.SetEnabled, SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteParameters.GetEnabled and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteParameters.SetEnabled functions.
- Added PrintToFile parameter to Printer.Print function.
- Added parameter as optional parameter for HotKey.SetScript function to overwrite default parameter.
- Added WebHook.GetMaximumRequestSize and WebHook.SetMaximumRequestSize functions.
- Added WebRequest.GetBodySize and WebRequest.GetSize functions.
- Added Files.AudioCoverArt function
- Added Apple Silicon for iOS Simulator version of MBS FileMaker Plugin.