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Xojo Developer Magazine Year Books

Last week the new books arrived from XDevMag. Always great to have all the articles from one year of the Xojo Developer Magazine in one book, where you can just browse through when you have some time in your hammock.

We'll give away a few over the year at various Xojo meetings, once they start to take place again.
If you like to get one yourself, you can order them in the XDevMag book store. When you consider ordering them, better pick several years and let them ship together at a package price. There are also academic and subscriber discounts available and shipping from USA or Europe is available.

Like to try the magazine?

Send us an email or feedback to enter a raffle for one of three XDevMag subscriptions for three issues.
We collect interested people for a few days, then pick three randomly and publish results here and email them their coupon code.

Update: We sent coupon codes to the three winners. Thanks everyone.
20 02 22 - 09:37