One year Xojo MVP

Well, as a close contributor to the Xojo community for over 20 years, there was no hesitation to join the opportunity this gives.
Beside the honor of being recognized as a valuable member in the community, this may bring a few communications privileges. While everyone can just send an email, the MVP have a private chat with Xojo staff under NDA, so we can ask questions there about things not talked in public. Usually before some decision goes public, we have some time to discuss about it. Often MVP provide a different angle and so some decisions in the Xojo team got changed there. One of the changes known publicly caused by MVP is that workers don't need a Pro license, which was the original plan. But now you can enjoy them with only a desktop license.
For new versions like the Android support, we got earlier access for a few days. This way we could find bugs before the public preview started. You know, like those problems that happen when someone outside the company tries to install it first time on a computer, which never had it before and may have a different localization or OS version. So we could get a few issues fixed, before pre-release testers all run into the same issues.
Please note that I am not a moderator on the forum. Some MVP are, but not all. And I am happy to not have the duty to moderate there. If you have an issue in Xojo, please follow some steps. Like writing a forum posting about the issue. Write down what you do, what result you get and what you expect. Provide some details and context. While writing this post, you may see a mistake you made and the issue is resolved for you (then you can discard your draft). Other forum members may reproduce the problem, confirm it or have a tip on how to do it differently. If this is not just a bug on your computer, but for others, it may be time to fill a feedback case, if no existing one matches. Again describe the issue and include if possible a sample project. Cross reference feedback case and forum posting. If others favorite and subscribe the feedback case, that shows Xojo Inc. the importance of the case.
Beside of being MVP, I continue to put a lot of work into Xojo myself. The last months, I put several weeks of development time in the Scintilla control for the next plugin version (22.0). And there is another big project with multiple weeks of development coming for 22.1. The pipeline is filled for new features. One thing done in 2021, which may show light in 2022 is the porting of all our plugins to 64-bit ARM for Linux and Windows.
I look forward to see you at a conference. For the time being, it looks like I may do some more local developer meetings. As the circumstances allow, we may have some beer garden meetings this year in various countries.
See also The Life of a Xojo MVP