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xDev Magazine 19.5

The September/October (19.5) issue of xDev Magazine is now available. Here's a quick preview of what's inside:

Often-Used Calculations by Markus Winter
Markus explores how to create an interface for frequently-used calcuations.

How to Make a Bad App by Marc Zeedar
It takes great effort to make a truly bad app. Marc explains just how to do it!

A Xojo Business Solutions Platform by Steve Pardoe
More than a year in the making, Steve explains how he built a business platform using Xojo.

Exploring Cryptography, Part 3 by Eugene Dakin
In his series on cryptography, Eugene explores something called the Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher.

An Idea Xojo's Future by Markus Winter
Markus presents a radical proposal for Xojo's future.

Plus: Xojo 2021R2.1, rotating PDFs, SQLite, embedded Javascripts, native versus not, machine unlearning, and much more! The biggest plugin in space...
01 09 21 - 21:39