Xojo News

Xojo 2021r2.1
Xojo Inc. pushed out the Xojo 2021r2.1 update. A couple of bug fixes for the r2 release, which either didn't make it into the main branch before shipping or were discovered after release. We recommend everyone who uses r2 to move to r2.1 quickly.
Release notes and download here.
Pre-Release Testing
The pre-release testing in Xojo had the policy to only allow people with a current license to join. Since sometimes licenses expire and people don't purchase a renewal right away, they dropped out of pre-release testing. After a lengthly discussion in the MVP group started by Anthony, the policy was changed (Hurray!) to basically allow anyone to join pre-release testing. Please use this opportunity. It's your chance to test new features and verify bug fixes weeks before the release, so there is a chance for a fix before it ships.
see Xojo blog
The OmegaBundle for Xojo was extended for August. If you like to get this package, please place your order soon. End date is set to 31st August 2021.
See website omegabundle.net and our blog: Omegabundle for Xojo 2021 Developer Tools
Check out CCCryptorMBS class vs. CipherMBS class. While the second is cross platform, you may sometimes code an alternative path with CCCryptorMBS class to benefit from encryption routines in newer CPUs. Apple's frameworks use hardware acceleration there for encryption for some of the algorithms (and when current hardware supports the chosen combination of flags). For version 21.4 of MBS Xojo Plugins we add a few new constants, but you could use those values for older versions, too.
WMI Change
If you use WindowsWMIMBS class, please move the call to WindowsWMIMBS.InitSecurity from Open event in App class to the Constructor of the App class. This is required to be earlier in the app launch to initialize the security for COM classes before Xojo runtime does it.