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Identify plugin version and platform

You may want to have a script to check if MBS Plugin is installed. For example you may have a calculation like this:

"MBS Plugin " & MBS("Version") &
" loaded into " & MBS( "Platform" ) &
" on " & MBS( "SystemInfo.OSName" ) & ". " &
If(MBS("IsRegistered"); "Licensed to " & MBS("Plugin.LicenseeName") & "."; "No license set.")

This returns e.g. "MBS Plugin loaded into FileMaker Pro Advanced on macOS. Licensed to Christian Schmitz.". Such a calculation can be wrapped into an If to check whether the plugin is installed and also show FileMaker version:

If( GetAsText( MBS("Version")) = "?";
"no MBS Plugin installed, version " & Get(ApplicationVersion);
"MBS Plugin " & MBS("Version") &
" loaded into " & MBS( "Platform" ) &
", version " & Get(ApplicationVersion) &
" on " & MBS( "SystemInfo.OSName" ) & ". " &
If(MBS("IsRegistered"); "Licensed to " & MBS("Plugin.LicenseeName") & "."; "No license set."))

This can be put in a new script with an exit script to return the version:

Exit Script [ Text Result: "If( GetAsText( MBS(..." ]

Then you can call this script locally or via Perform Script on Server. On client it may return:

MBS Plugin loaded into FileMaker Pro Advanced, version Pro 19.3.2 on macOS. Licensed to Christian Schmitz.

While on server it may return something like this:

MBS Plugin loaded into ServerScripting, version Server 19.3.2 on Windows 2016 Server. No license set.

Our Platform function may return texts like:

  • FileMaker Pro Advanced
  • FileMaker Pro
  • Runtime
  • Server
  • Web Direct
  • Mobile
  • ServerScripting
  • InstantWebPublishing
  • Data API

To tell what platform the plugin is loaded. Please notice a script running via Data API may do perform script on server to run a script in the ServerScripting engine. And having plugins for Data API is new in version 19.3 of FileMaker Server.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

25 07 21 - 10:38