Identify plugin version and platform
You may want to have a script to check if MBS Plugin is installed. For example you may have a calculation like this:
"MBS Plugin " & MBS("Version") &
" loaded into " & MBS( "Platform" ) &
" on " & MBS( "SystemInfo.OSName" ) & ". " &
If(MBS("IsRegistered"); "Licensed to " & MBS("Plugin.LicenseeName") & "."; "No license set.")
This returns e.g. "MBS Plugin loaded into FileMaker Pro Advanced on macOS. Licensed to Christian Schmitz.". Such a calculation can be wrapped into an If to check whether the plugin is installed and also show FileMaker version:
If( GetAsText( MBS("Version")) = "?";
"no MBS Plugin installed, version " & Get(ApplicationVersion);
"MBS Plugin " & MBS("Version") &
" loaded into " & MBS( "Platform" ) &
", version " & Get(ApplicationVersion) &
" on " & MBS( "SystemInfo.OSName" ) & ". " &
If(MBS("IsRegistered"); "Licensed to " & MBS("Plugin.LicenseeName") & "."; "No license set."))
This can be put in a new script with an exit script to return the version:
Exit Script [ Text Result: "If( GetAsText( MBS(..." ]
Then you can call this script locally or via Perform Script on Server. On client it may return:
MBS Plugin loaded into FileMaker Pro Advanced, version Pro 19.3.2 on macOS. Licensed to Christian Schmitz.
While on server it may return something like this:
MBS Plugin loaded into ServerScripting, version Server 19.3.2 on Windows 2016 Server. No license set.
Our Platform function may return texts like:
- FileMaker Pro Advanced
- FileMaker Pro
- Runtime
- Server
- Web Direct
- Mobile
- ServerScripting
- InstantWebPublishing
- Data API
To tell what platform the plugin is loaded. Please notice a script running via Data API may do perform script on server to run a script in the ServerScripting engine. And having plugins for Data API is new in version 19.3 of FileMaker Server.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.