MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 11.3pr2

- Added List.MapEntries function.
- Added parameter for JS.New function to define the identifier used for the new instance.
- Changed JS.CallFunction and JS.SetGlobalProperty to not return an error for invalid JSON, but just take it as text for your convenience.
- Added JS.List and JS.CallFunctionValues function.
- Added JS.CF and example database for custom functions with JavaScript.
- Formalized the functions taking variable parameters.
- Changed JSON.GetObjectItemTree, JSON.GetObjectItemTreeRef, JSON.AddArrayToArray and JSON.AddItemToArray to ignore empty parameters.
- Fixed a problem with a math function, which affected time zone calculation for EmailParser.SentDate, EmailParser.ReceiveDate and Time.TimeStampToUTC functions (broken in v11.2).
- Added AllowedTypes parameter to Barcode.Scan function.
- Added SystemInfo.IsLowPowerModeEnabled function.
- Added SystemInfo.isMonterey function.