MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.2 - More than 6500 Functions In One Plugin

Our plugin now ships with Apple Silicon support included. Claris announced they will support Apple M1 chip soon, so we are ready.
Our JavaScript functions can now JS.InitModules function to define modules in JavaScript, which can then be referenced later with require.
For SQL function we got support in SQLite for ICU libraries and we enabled math and geopoly functions in our internal SQLite library.
Within the Script Workspace (on macOS) you can now press option-key for the gear in Set Variable/Field script lines to jump right into the calculation dialog, thus saving you an extra mouse click.
For our XL functions to read/write Excel document we added XL.Book.AddFontFromBook and XL.Book.AddFormatFromBook functions to copy font/format definition from one document to another one. With XL.CopyCellValue function you can now copy cell values. With XL.Sheet.SetRows function you can now define height for a range of rows.
The Process.List function can list all applications running on the computer. And for Windows the RemoteControl.GetWindowsListAsJSON function can list all windows on the computer with details about them.
We added millisecond support to several functions including Files.CreationDate, SQL functions, XL functions and JavaScript functions.
Our trace functions got upgraded. We can log on server the stderr and stdout messages. Trace can be paused and includes progress messages from DynaPDF functions and for Audit we log which field is audited.
For ListDialog functions we added column width and alignments. OCR functions are per thread, so they can run in parallel on server side scripts. We added SystemInfo.LinuxSystemInfo to query information about linux computer. We added SystemInfo.WindowsSystemInfo and SystemInfo.WindowsMachineInfo to query information about the environment on Windows like the CPU architecture.
Finally we updated CURL to version 7.76.1, DynaPDF to, SQLAPI to 5.1.4 with new DuckDB support and our Linux build machine to Ubuntu 18.04.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.