ChartDirector 7 update

We already started with the development for a future version of our MBS Xojo ChartDirector Plugin.
We got newer headers and libraries for C++ to try. Windows and macOS builds already. Linux and iOS are still to do. And of course examples and documentation.
For the new features, we'll have a new CDMultiPagePDFMBS, CDDiscreteHeatMapLayerMBS and CDDataAcceleratorMBS classes.
Not sure whether this goes in our May release yet. But if everything is ready in time, we may ship the update with MBS Plugins 20.2 in May. But otherwise it may go into 20.3 in July. If you have a current license by release date, you will get this a free update. Older licenses may need a license renewal.
See also ChartDirector 7 preview blog post.