MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.2pr2

- Added CopyCellValue method to XLSheetMBS class.
- Changes NSAttributedStringMBS and NSColorMBS classes to not reference macOS only function selectors.
- Changed parser in JSONMBS to be accept leading zeros on numbers.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Implemented MacMousePositionX and MacMousePositionY functions for RemoteControlMBS module for macOS 64-bit.
- Added WinMouseClick taking integer parameters to RemoteControlMBS module and deprecated the boolean variants.
- Added TypoAscender and TypoLeading properties to DynaPDFFontMetricsMBS class.
- Added userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWithMetadata event for NSApplicationDelegateMBS class.
- Enabled RabbitMQ plugin for iOS.
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