MBS FileMaker Plugin 11.1

We have new IBAN functions to validate bank account numbers. You can format the IBANs for printing with spaces or get the in compact style. We can calculate the checksum and provide example IBANs for various countries. You can query a regular expression to find IBAN within some text with our RegEx functions.
For macOS and iOS we have new functions for data detectors. That is the feature Apple provides for applications like Safari or Mail to identify data within the text. With our RegEx.DataDetector function you can detect phone numbers, email addresses, URLs, postal addresses and dates in FileMaker.
If you use FileMaker on macOS you can enjoy new buttons for calculation dialogs to evaluate expression and check for syntax errors. In custom functions editing dialog you can check your functions and define a test case using comments to run your custom functions with a specific set of parameters. Links to MBS functions in calculations can now also be links to Dash application.
For DynaPDF we added DynaPDF.Table.SetCellStyledText function to fill tables with styled text from FileMaker easily. The styled text conversion now includes super- and subscript styles. DynaPDF can be used with ZUGFeRD in newer version 2.1.1.
We added a couple of utility functions: The Archive.CompressContainer function to quickly archive a container. Use Math.FormatNumber to format a number with desired decimal separator and number of decimals. With Math.NormInv you can calculate the NormInv function like in Excel.
For dictionary functions we added a new Dictionary.AddDictionary function to add one dictionary to an existing one. Use Dictionary.ToJSON to convert to JSON and the new Dictionary.FromJSON function to convert back to a dictionary. In List functions you can search lists with List.Find and QuickList.Find functions.
The FileMaker Pro on Windows we implemented PKCS12.ShowDialog and X509.ShowDialog functions to show certificate in standard dialogs. We implemented WebView.StopLoading for Windows.
For iOS we improved the QLPreviewPanel functions to allow editing of documents. You can show a PDF document or image and have the user annotate documents with the built-in markup tools. Then you can save the modified PDF document back in the container. Use iOSApp.InstallOpenURLHandler and related functions to catch URL requests to your custom FileMaker iOS SDK application.
Finally we updated CURL library to version 7.75.0, DukTape to 2.6, DynaPDF to, dyncall to 1.2, LCMS to 2.12, LibXL to 3.9.4, LibXML to 2.9.10, LibXSLT to 1.1.34, openssl to 1.1.1i, SQLAPI to 5.1.4b5, Xcode to 12.4 and the plugin SDK for version 19.2.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.