MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 11.1pr5

- Added RegEx.DataDetector function.
- Added timeout for loop/if check to exit after 10 ms to avoid longer delays.
- Added CoreLocation.requestLocation for macOS 10.14 or newer.
- Added CoreLocation.requestWhenInUseAuthorization, CoreLocation.startUpdatingHeading and CoreLocation.dismissHeadingCalibrationDisplay for macOS 10.15 or newer.
- Added App.Exit to quit current FileMaker process. Allows to restart server scripting engine.
- Added CoreLocation.requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorization function for iOS.
- Added Plugin.PrepareForUpdate function.
- Added Math.FormatNumber function.
- Changed variable check to disable for Script Workspace windows in the background.
- Added Windows support for WebView.StopLoading function.
- Changed SQL functions to ignore or add @ in parameter name if needed.
- Added Barcode.Modulo10Checksum function.
- Fixed problem in QLPreviewPanel.Show function.
- Added QLPreviewPanel.GetEditingAllowed, QLPreviewPanel.SavedFiles, QLPreviewPanel.SetDismissTrigger and QLPreviewPanel.SetEditingAllowed functions to use markup editing of documents on iOS.
- Updated plugin SDK for version 19.2.
- Added RegEx.Extract function.