MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.0pr6

- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added manual rendering functions to AVAudioEngineMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in WordFileMBS class.
- Added LeadingFactor parameter for ConvertStyledText, WriteStyledText and WriteStyledTextEx in DynaPDFMBS class.
- Changed DynaPDFMBS to not raise exception if WriteFText function is cancelled.
- Revert workaround for universal plugins in Xojo 2020r2. Please use Xojo 2020r2.1 now for building universal apps.
- Changed plugin class registration to skip desktop controls for iOS and iOS controls for Windows/Linux where you can't build for iOS.
- Disabled AVCaptureDeviceInputSourceMBS class for iOS.
- Fixed an issue with SQL plugin connect to MySQL when server doesn't know utf8mb4 text encoding.
- Added isiOSAppOnMac property for NSProcessInfoMBS class.
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