MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 10.6pr1
- Added DragDrop.AttachToWindow function to allow drop to whole window on Windows.
- Added filter for ListDialog and related functions: ListDialog.GetFilter, ListDialog.GetShowsFilter, ListDialog.SetFilter and ListDialog.SetShowsFilter.
- Added Window.GetTitlebarSeparatorStyle and Window.SetTitlebarSeparatorStyle functions.
- Added Window.GetToolbarDisplayMode and Window.SetToolbarDisplayMode functions to configure macOS toolbar to show icons and/or labels.
- Added Window.GetToolbarStyle and Window.SetToolbarStyle for macOS 11.0
- Changed Barcode.Generate to default to 8-bit per channel for the generated image to avoid trouble if receiving software can't handle 16 bit per channel. You can still change with GMImage.SetDepth, e.g. to make a monochrome version.
- Changed coloring scheme for Dark mode to show set variable a bit lighter. You may need to run SyntaxColoring.FactoryDefaults to see changes.
- Changed DragDrop.CreateWithControl, DragDrop.CreateWithSize, DragDrop.CreateWithWindow to return an error if the control can't be created properly.
- Changed MarkDown functions to output footnotes.
- Changed QuickList.MatchesSubString to use caseless comparison on Windows and Linux and not just on macOS/iOS.
- Enhanced Matrix.InsertRecords to detect field data type and pass numbers and date/time/timestamp to FileMaker.
- Fixed plugin to load on Windows 7 again. Broken in 10.5 when adding WindowsML functions.
- Fixed problem with bracket highlighting voiding your selection on Big Sur.
- Fixed problem with Command-R taken for the plugin for Database Definition dialog. You can now use it again to pick Container in field types popup.
- Fixed Window.GetCurrentTag function.
- Optimized EmailParser.HTMLToPlainText function to add new line after pre element and to skip space runs.
- Tuned bracket highlighting to not edit text attributes if there are no brackets.
- Updated to Xcode 12.2.