Use Text Finder for TextArea in Xojo
Have you checked the NSTextFinderMBS class for macOS to show a search field within a text area?
With a little code you can provide a find & replace toolbar within the text area like this:
The GUI is standard from macOS and localized by the system.
Here is the sample code you can use:
Sub ToggleFindbar()
// get MBS objects for the Xojo controls
Dim textView As NSTextViewMBS = TextArea1.NSTextViewMBS
Dim scrollView As NSScrollViewMBS = TextArea1.NSScrollViewMBS
// first run, we create the TextFinder object
If finder = Nil Then
finder = New NSTextFinderMBS
// connect it to the text view and the
finder.client = textView
finder.findBarContainer = scrollView
finder.incrementalSearchingEnabled = True
End If
If CheckFindbar.Value Then
// enable find bar
If scrollView.FindBarVisible Then
// show the find interface
finder.performAction finder.kActionShowFindInterface
End If
If textView.usesFindBar Then
// show the find interface, if it was hidden before
scrollView.FindBarVisible = True
End If
// enables find bar
textView.usesFindBar = True
End If
If CheckFindbar.Value Then
// show it
finder.performAction finder.kActionShowFindInterface
// hide it
finder.performAction finder.kActionHideFindInterface
End If
End Sub
You may just have a menu command for search and when it's triggered, you can check what Window.Focus points to. If a text area is in focus, you can simply call the method above and pass the text area to show the find bar.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions.