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MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.4pr6

New in this prerelease of the 20.4 plugins:
  • Added annotationViews function to MKMapViewMBS class.
  • Added NilObjectException check for WKWebViewMBS.LoadData for nil passed for data parameter.
  • Rewrote HotkeyMBS class for Windows to use official API. May prevent from duplicate registration and a hotkey processed in FileMaker is no longer passed to other apps.
  • Added FontWeight, FontStyle, FontStretch and FontFamily properties for GMImageMBS class.
Download: monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/download/plugin/Prerelease/.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder. The biggest plugin in space...
28 08 20 - 13:56