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FileMaker Server Version and OS statistics

It's a long time since we published the last statistics diagrams.

First the version distribution for FileMaker Server. As this data is gathered from version numbers included with our license checks, this does exclude Site and ProDeveloper licenses. Some servers may have a firewall configured to disallow the plugin from connecting to our server. But the sample we have here is still quite representative. There is some fluctuation in the data, so watch the trends and not the individual months.

As you first notice, the diagram always looks this way over the years. New versions are added on the top and crush the older versions down as servers get upgraded. Version 17 used about a year to get to 25%, but version 18 managed that in about 6 month. In a few month 18 and 19 will be the majority.

For the operation systems, you see the newer macOS versions showing up with 10.14 in November 2018 and 10.15 in November 2019. Windows 7 vanished in June 2020 with the end of support from Microsoft. We do know that the update policies and reduced macOS Server software offering from Apple lead some companies to move to Windows Server for hosting. On the other side you need macOS server to benefit from using Apple Frameworks on the server like PDFKit, CoreML or AVFoundation.

The linux version is taking off this year. We expect that those are mostly new on-premise Linux installations with the Linux developer previews and a few AWS Cloud 1.x servers. We look forward to more Linux servers for FileMaker and would expect them to overtake Windows based servers in a few years.

On both diagrams we have to admit that for MBS the numbers of FileMaker plugin licenses is growing over the years, but we show you percentages in order to not reveal our sales figures. So a shrinking number of linux servers in 2019 is on one side due to grows on the other platforms and on the other side the move to FileMaker Cloud 2.0 where we have no plugin support on the server.

We'll learn more soon at Claris Engage where Claris Inc. will reveal the new roadmap. Claris FileMaker Plugin
25 07 20 - 13:06