FileMaker records to XML or JSON
Sometimes you need to query FileMaker records as XML or JSON data and include related records. This can be tricky to do in pure FileMaker scripts and calculations, but via MBS FileMaker Plugin we can provide help. Our FM.SQL.Execute function can use SQL to fetch records. The FM.SQL.CSV, FM.SQL.JSONRecord and FM.SQL.JSONRecords functions can help to pack those in comma/tab separated text or JSON. New for next plugin version are FM.SQL.XMLRecord and FM.SQL.XMLRecords functions to do for XML what we had for JSON already.
Below we have a sample script to use FM.SQL.XMLRecords to get records from two tables and insert the related records in the right position in the XML with our XML.SetPathXML function.
# SQL XML in file Contacts
# Run query to fetch some records
Set Variable [ $sql1 ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.Execute"; ""; "SELECT \"PrimaryKey\", \"First Name\", \"Last Name\", \"Company\", \"Title\" FROM Contacts") ]
# get them as XML
Set Variable [ $xml ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.XMLRecords"; $sql1; "people"; "person"; "ID¶First¶Last¶Company¶Title"; 2+1) ]
# loop over records to look for related record
Set Variable [ $count ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.RowCount"; $sql1 ) ]
Set Variable [ $index ; Value: 0 ]
If [ $index ≤ $count ]
# get primary key from result
Set Variable [ $key ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.Field"; $sql1; $index; 0 ) ]
# Run query for related records
Set Variable [ $sql2 ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.Execute"; ""; "SELECT Type, Number FROM \"Phone Numbers\" WHERE ForeignKey = ?"; $key) ]
# get them as XML
Set Variable [ $xml2 ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.XMLRecords"; $sql2; "phones"; "phone"; "Type¶Number"; 2+1) ]
# Now insert them in the person node as new child phones
Set Variable [ $xml ; Value: MBS( "XML.SetPathXML"; $xml; "people.person[" & $index &"].phones"; 0; $xml2 ) ]
# don't forget to release memory
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.Release"; $sql2) ]
# next
Set Variable [ $index ; Value: $index + 1 ]
Exit Loop If [ $index ≥ $count ]
End Loop
End If
# don't forget to release memory
Set Variable [ $r ; Value: MBS( "FM.SQL.Release"; $sql1) ]
# Output the XML with format & color
Set Field [ Contacts::XML ; MBS("XML.Colorize"; MBS("XML.Format"; $xml)) ]
We hope this helps people interested in XML exports. Same technique can be used with our JSON functions to build similar JSON structures.
PS: Script text copied with color using our copy button in Script Workspace.