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New York FileMaker Meeting

Please join the March meeting for the New York FileMaker Pro Developers' Group. We'll join and present about what's new in MBS Plugin.

Please save the date: 19th March 2020

Times: 5:30 pm Meet & Greet, 6:00 pm – 8:00pm Presentation

We'll have a presentation to whatever is new in the MBS FileMaker Plugin 2020. And Vincenzo Menanno presents about InspectorPro.
Looking forward to see a few FileMaker developers there!

See announcement here: Meeting Thursday, March 19, 2020 at Rockefeller Research Labs, Sloan Kettering Institute.

If you are interested in private time for consulting, training or discussion MBS or FileMaker topics, we can of course schedule a meeting. Please contact me directly interested.
08 03 20 - 08:58