Improve your work live balance with do not disturb
First, it's a great idea to set a rule in the household to have no phones for meals. So I just leave my iPhone in the office, so it doesn't grab my attention. Some families have baskets for the phones so when you enter kitchen, you put it there. We'll see if we do this when our children get older and we get more devices.
Next figure out the time you allow others to disturb you. The default setting for iOS is to be silent between 22:00 at night and 7:00 o'clock in the morning. Now it seems to work better for me to move those times to 20:00 and 9:00 o'clock. In the morning I may get up long before 9, but to get ready, have breakfast and read through emails, it may be 9 when I am ready to take calls.
For the evening it's difficult alone to get away from work and not work till midnight, but at least the iPhone won't disturb me when I am busy doing some focused work, or watch a movie with my family.
What do you do to get some rest from screens?