MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.1pr3

- Added Windows file dialog classes: WinFileDialogMBS, WinFileDialogExceptionMBS, WinFileTypeMBS, WinShellItemMBS, WinFileSaveDialogMBS, WinFileOpenDialogMBS, WinShellItemArrayMBS.
- Fixed LDAPMBS class to load LDAP framework earlier.
- Changed ShowAddress method in MKMapViewMBS to use the region size to zoom.
- Fixed crash in NSCursorMBS.currentSystemCursor when used in a thread.
- Changed IORegistryMBS module to be console safe.
- Removed CW8021XProfileMBS and CWWirelessProfileMBS classes which were deprecated by Apple years ago.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Changed 64-bit plugins to not register on versions before 2015 to plugin loading quicker for older versions.
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