MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 20.0

In this release we include with JavaScriptEngineMBS class our own JavaScript engine based on the DukTape opensource project. Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint. You can evaluate JavaScript snippets, get and set global properties and add custom functions written in Xojo or JavaScript.
For HTMLViewer on Windows using Internet Explorer as engine, we got new classes like IEDocumentMBS to offer many more features. We deprecated the older IE methods on HTMLViewer to declutter auto complete. And our new class brings you an Evaluate function to run JavaScript and get back the result as variant. You can call JavaScript functions and pass Xojo variants for parameters, so we pass numbers as numbers and not convert them to text. Use SetInternetExplorerVersion function to request a newer Internet Explorer version for HTMLViewer.
With MacOS Catalina Apple includes new machine learning capabilities, which you can use in your applications to update a model on device with new training data. Enjoy new events in WKWebViewControlMBS control to decide policy for navigation and load HTML files easier. Use the WKBackForwardListMBS class to navigate the history.
Enjoy ImageMagick in version 7 and use it with 8 to 64-bit color depth per pixel component and optionally HDRI support. For LCMS2TransformMBS class you can now use multi threading to run transformation in parallel.
For Windows use MFPMediaPlayerMBS to play video/audio independent of Xojo's MoviePlayer control. If you use WindowsPlayerMBS class to play mp3 files, you can now choose the audio device.
Use LMFitMBS and related classes for Levenberg-Marquardt least squares fitting algorithm. Solve boolean satisfiability problem with LGLMBS class. When using iTunesLibraryMBS class to read iTunes library content, you can now do initialization in a thread to not block user interface.
Finally we updated DynaPDF to version, CURL to 7.67.0, LibArchive to 3.4, SQLAPI to 5.0.3, zint to 2.7, LibXL to 3.8.8 and Xcode to version 11.3.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.