MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.6pr4

- Added MFPMediaPlayerMBS, MFPMediaPlayerExceptionMBS and MFPMediaItemMBS classes for Windows video/audio playback.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed some issues with barcode functions to better handle desired width and height
- Deprecated ZintRenderHexagonMBS, ZintRenderLineMBS, ZintRenderMBS, ZintRenderRingMBS and ZintRenderStringMBS class.
- Added ZintVectorCircleMBS, ZintVectorHexagonMBS, ZintVectorMBS, ZintVectorRectMBS and ZintVectorStringMBS classes.
- Updated zint library to version 2.7.
- Changed CFErrorMBS class to show properties in debugger.
- Fixed crash with LibJPEGTurbo when using JPEGExporterMBS class with memory allocation and file handling.
- Fixed bug in setStartDate and setEndDate methods in CalEventMBS class.
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