MBS FileMaker Plugin 9.5 - More than 5900 Functions In One Plugin
Visiting conferences in October in Europe provides a lot of new ideas. This release comes with two enhancements to FileMaker itself (for MacOS), where the ideas came up at the conferences. First we now show you the cursor position above the text fields when entering expressions or custom functions. When you select text, we even show the selection length.
Second, with SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand method you can define your own commands for the contextual menu in script workspace on MacOS. We provide a few examples in the documentation to edit script steps or insert new ones. As you can leverage the built-in MBS commands in the menu commands, you can use XML transformations, run SQL queries, Shell or AppleScript commands and read/write text files in your expressions. You can define expressions to check syntax and coding standards for scripts, insert common snippets or do search & replace within the script. We hope the FileMaker community will collect useful commands.
The DynaPDF functions can now create XFA stream sections in the PDF document, read and write XFA data. With the DynaPDF.GetUserRights function you can query the permissions the user has on the imported document. We improved the library loading, so you can now just pass "" for the library path. If path is empty, we will use the platform specific default name. And if empty text or just a file name is provided, we look for the library files in the same folder as the plugin.
For Apple maps on MacOS and iOS we have a couple of new properties to set for points including enabling drag with a custom drag image. Points can now change their image and define an extra selected image. Overlays can change colors and line width. Maps can be zoomed programmatically and with MapView.MouseCoordinate function you can query the coordinate below the mouse cursor.
The web viewer on MacOS in FileMaker 16 or newer uses WebKit 2.x. For this version we added Webview.SetPrivateBrowsing function to enable private browsing mode. The Webview.AddUserScript function allows you to inject custom javascript in each website loaded. And Webview.AddScriptMessageHandler function now supports iOS, too.
The list dialog now supports a third button, you can show on screen keyboard via Window.ShowKeyboard function and query whether dark mode is enabled on a Mac. Our preferences dialog now supports dark mode, SmartCard.ReadFile supports more cards, GMImage.NewFromContainer can handle JPEG and PNG passed with wrong type and documentation includes now links to release notes and blog articles.
This version includes a few important bug fixes for running the plugin on a sever. The background threading for CURL and SQL got improved to avoid crashes. Our Linux plugin for FileMaker Cloud for AWS got an important fix to avoid crashes with buffer overrun after several hours of running. Please update your servers to avoid running into those issues.
Finally we updated DynaPDF library to version, LibSSH to 1.9.0, openssl to 1.1.1d, SQLAPI to 5.0.1, SQLite to 3.30.0 and zint library to 2.6.7
See release notes for a complete list of changes.