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Custom context menu commands for FileMaker ScriptWorkspace

At the FileMaker conference in Hamburg there was a nice idea from Russel Watson to extend the script workspace further. For our context menu showing in the script workspace, we give you a new function SyntaxColoring.AddContextMenuCommand to register a custom menu entry. You provide a title (with ΒΆ for submenus), an expression and wether you need a selection. Once the menu item is chosen the plugin will evaluate the expression.

We expect that some developers from the FileMaker community will provide their own database with various expressions you could install. Our examples for this function show a few possible commands. Our examples show you how to just add a dialog box. Another example uses Menubar.RunMenuCommand to ask FileMaker to copy the current script steps. Then Clipboard.GetFileMakerData is used to get the XML for the script steps. This XML can be modified and passed to Clipboard.SetFileMakerData to put it back on the clipboard and paste it again with Menubar.RunMenuCommand function. As you see, you can have commands to edit script steps in place with our new feature. You can include XSLT via XML.ApplyStylesheet, using a command line tool (Shell functions) or even an AppleScript.

Here is an example video:

Available soon in next MBS Plugin version. Email us if you like to try it out. Claris FileMaker Plugin
19 10 19 - 13:56