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New in this prerelease of version 9.5 of the MBS FileMaker Plugin:
- Added references to release notes to documentation.
- Added Window.ShowKeyboard function for Mac and Windows.
- Changed syntax highlighting, so variable check comes first before we check for wildcard tags.
- Fixed an issue with CURL, which caused trouble with email sending (server response timeout).
- Fixed Preferences.GetTextSelectionWithDragAndDrop and Preferences.SetTextSelectionWithDragAndDrop to work in current FileMaker 18.
- Fixed a bug in SQL.FreeConnection freeing wrong command objects.
- Fixed Vision.DetectBarcode to return proper JSON.
- Fixed problem in CURL.RunningTransfers if there has not yet been a CURL connection.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.0.0.
- Rewrote handling for internal SQLite, PostgreSQL and CubeSQL libraries.
- Added MapView.GetAnnotationDragImage and MapView.SetAnnotationDragImage.
- Added MapView.GetAnnotationSelectedImage, MapView.SelectedAnnotations and MapView.SetAnnotationSelectedImage.
- Changed MapView.SetScript to get parameter with JSON!
- Added new CURL FMS Admin API v18 example.
- Added MapView.GetZoomLevel and MapView.SetZoomLevel functions.
- Fixed problem with two zlib versions in one plugin causing crashes in inflate function.
- Added enabled, draggable and canShowCallout keys for MapView.AddPoint function.
- Added MapView.GetAnnotationImage, MapView.GetOverlayPoints, MapView.SetAnnotationImage and MapView.SetOverlayPoints functions.
- Fixed a problem with CURL.SetOptionAcceptEncoding crashing on bad.
- Fixed a problem with CURL.GetResultAsEmail parsing some email addresses.
- Fixed crash with freeing curl connection from evaluate in CURL.SetFinishedEvaluate function.
- Added MapView.GetOverlayFillColor, MapView.GetOverlayLineWidth, MapView.GetOverlayStrokeColor, MapView.SetOverlayFillColor, MapView.SetOverlayLineWidth and MapView.SetOverlayStrokeColor.
- Added extra checks to prevent CURL background transfer to crash.
- Fixed crash with MBS contextual menu in script workspace when menu entries goes away while context menu shows.
- Changed MapView.AddPoint, so you can pass imageWidth or imageHeight or both.
- Added MapView.MouseCoordinate function.
- Updated LibSSH to version 1.9.0.
- Updated zint to version 2.6.6.
- Updated openssl to version 1.1.1d.
- Changed variable check to put warning message into tooltip, too.
- Added more encodings for iOS for Text.ConvertToTextEncoding and Text.ConvertFromTextEncoding functions.
- Fixed MapView.AddCircle function, so MapView.Overlays reports the circles.
- Added strokeColor and fillColor properties for MapView.AddPolygon and MapView.AddPolyline functions.
Download at monkeybreadsoftware.de/filemaker/files/Prerelease/ or ask for being added to the dropbox shared folder.
02 10 19 - 09:36