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Dynamically build MBS call and evaluate it

Here is an example where we dynamically build the command to evaluate with parameters in $P[] indexed variables. The example inserts a copy of the current record into the same table using FM.InsertRecordThis could be done more efficiently with FM.InsertRecordQuery in one line, but here we wantt o show explicitly how to dynamically build parameter list at runtime:


# Our input parameters with field name list

Set Variable [ $FieldNames ; Value: FieldNames ( Get(FileName) ; Get(LayoutName) ) ] 

# We build parameters for our Evaluate call

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: "" ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: 0 ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: Get(FileName) ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: Get(LayoutTableName) ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

# We loop over feidl list

Set Variable [ $Count ; Value: ValueCount ( $FieldNames ) ] 

Set Variable [ $FieldIndex ; Value: 0 ] 

Set Variable [ $Types ; Value: "" ] 


# get field name and value

Set Variable [ $FieldIndex ; Value: $FieldIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $Fieldname ; Value: GetValue($FieldNames; $FieldIndex) ] 

Set Variable [ $Value ; Value: GetField ( $Fieldname) ] 

# Check typ to filter fields we don't want

Set Variable [ $Typ ; Value: FieldType ( Get(FileName) ; $Fieldname ) ] 

If [ Position ( $Typ; "Global"; 1; 1 ) ≥ 1 or Position ( $Typ; "Summary"; 1; 1 ) ≥ 1 or Position($Typ; "storedCalc"; 1; 1) ≥ 1 or $Fieldname = "ID" ] 

# ignore global, statistic and unsaved formula field

// Show Custom Dialog [ "Typ" ; $FieldName & ": " & $typ ] 


# We store in $P[] our parameters for evaluate and in $Params the parameters for Evaluate

Set Variable [ $Types ; Value: $Types & ¶ & $FieldName & ": " & $Typ ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: $Fieldname ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

Set Variable [ $ParamIndex ; Value: $ParamIndex + 1 ] 

Set Variable [ $P[$ParamIndex] ; Value: $Value ] 

Set Variable [ $Params ; Value: $Params & "; $P[" & $ParamIndex & "]" ] 

End If

Exit Loop If [ $FieldIndex = $count ] 

End Loop

# now build Evaluate command and show it

// Show Custom Dialog [ "Types" ; $Types ] 

Set Variable [ $Function ; Value: "FM.InsertRecord" ] 

Set Variable [ $command ; Value: "MBS($Function" & $params & ")" ] 

Show Custom Dialog [ "Command" ; $Command ] 

If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1 ] 

# And run it!

Set Variable [ $result ; Value: Evaluate($Command) ] 

Show Custom Dialog [ "Result" ; $Result ] 

End If



By passing command with $ variables to evaluate, we avoid converting all parameters to text and our values retain their data type.

19 09 19 - 10:37