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SMTP Server Settings

Sending Emails with various servers can be a challenge. In this blog article we like to collect the settings needed for using our SendMail functions in FileMaker or CURLEmailMBS class in Xojo to send emails. As you see we always prefer to use encryption.

Bei checking certificates, we can detect and avoid giving our password to a transparent proxy. And we enable TLSv1.2 for all here and require encrypted connection. It's important to test and verify this, as I once run into a hotel reading my emails to count them and prevent spamming.

Our provider domainfactory offers email servers which we use for sending our own emails.
SMTPServer"sslout.df.eu"The ssl smtp server.
SMTPUsernameYour email
SMTPPasswordYour password
OptionPort587The port for SMTP over TLS
OptionUseSSL3Require encrypted connection
OptionSSLVerifyHost2Verify host
OptionSSLVerifyPeer1Verify peer
OptionSSLVersion6TLS v1.2
OptionCAInfosslout.df.eu.cerThe file with certificate used by server.

SMTPServer"smtp.mail.me.com"The iCloud smtp server.
SMTPUsernameYour iCloud email
SMTPPasswordYour app specific password
OptionPort587The port for SMTP over TLS
OptionUseSSL3Require encrypted connection
OptionSSLVerifyHost2Verify host
OptionSSLVerifyPeer1Verify peer
OptionSSLVersion6TLS v1.2
OptionCAInfocacert-icloud.pemThe file with certificate used by server.
Just a pem file with Geotrust Global CA seems to be enough.
For iCloud, please login to your apple ID management page and create an app specific password.

SMTPServer"smtp.gmail.com"The google smtp server.
SMTPUsernameYour gmail email
SMTPPasswordYour gmail password
OptionPort587The port for SMTP over TLS
OptionUseSSL3Require encrypted connection
OptionSSLVerifyHost2Verify host
OptionSSLVerifyPeer1Verify peer
OptionSSLVersion6TLS v1.2
OptionCAInfocacert-google.pemThe file with certificate used by server.
Just a pem file with GlobalSign Root CA - R2 seems to be enough.
For Gmail you need to allow less secure apps on website in your account settings or with 2FA create an app specific password.
I would recommend a separate gmail account for sending emails.

SMTPUsernameYour t-online email
SMTPPasswordYour t-online password
OptionPort587The port for SMTP over TLS
OptionUseSSL3Require encrypted connection
OptionSSLVerifyHost2Verify host
OptionSSLVerifyPeer1Verify peer
OptionSSLVersion6TLS v1.2
OptionCAInfocacert-telekom.pemThe file with certificate used by server.
Just a pem file with Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2 seems to be enough.

Office 365
SMTPUsernameYour office 365 login
SMTPPasswordYour office 365 password
OptionPort587The port for SMTP over TLS
OptionUseSSL3Require encrypted connection
OptionSSLVerifyHost2Verify host
OptionSSLVerifyPeer1Verify peer
OptionSSLVersion6TLS v1.2
OptionCAInfocacert-office.pemThe file with certificate used by server.
Just a pem file with Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2 seems to be enough.

Update: Yahoo also works with using smtp.mail.yahoo.com, TLS and port 587. You need to enable less secure devices in security settings and pass in your login and password for the account. Claris FileMaker Plugin
10 07 19 - 19:11