RecordSet to JSON and back
Here the function RecordSetToJSON:
Function RecordSetToJSON(r as RecordSet) As String
// adds data in recordset to a JSON Dictionary
Dim FieldNames() As String
Dim Values() As String
// Query list of field names
Dim c As Integer = r.FieldCount
For i As Integer = 1 To c
Dim d As DatabaseField = r.IdxField(i)
FieldNames.Append d.Name
// get all fields from all records into values array
While Not r.EOF
For i As Integer = 1 To c
Values.Append r.IdxField(i).StringValue
// make new Dictionary with the values and field names
Dim j As New Dictionary
j.Value("FieldNames") = FieldNames
j.Value("Values") = Values
// Convert to JSON
Dim v As Variant = j
Dim json As JSONMBS = JSONMBS.Convert(v)
// return as JSON string
Return json.toString
End Function
And the conversion back:
Function JSONToRecords(JSON as string) As RecordSet
// turns JSON back to RecordSet
// parse it
Dim j As JSONMBS = New JSONMBS(json)
// convert to Dictionary/Array/Variant
Dim d As Dictionary = j.Convert
// query our arrays
Dim vFieldNames() As Variant = d.Value("FieldNames")
Dim vValues() As Variant = d.Value("Values")
// convert to String arrays
Dim FieldNames() As String
Dim Values() As String
For Each FieldName As Variant In vFieldNames
FieldNames.Append FieldName
For Each Value As Variant In vValues
Values.Append Value
// Build recordset based on arrays
Return BuildRecordSetMBS(FieldNames, Values)
End Function
Here an example on how to use it:
EventHandler Sub Test()
// open a Database
Dim ordersDB As New SQLiteDatabase
ordersDB.DatabaseFile = GetFolderItem("Orders.sqlite")
If Not ordersDB.Connect Then
MsgBox("Database Error: " + Str(OrdersDB.ErrorCode) + EndOfLine + EndOfLine + OrdersDB.ErrorMessage)
End If
// make a query
Dim r As RecordSet = ordersDB.SQLSelect("SELECT * FROM Customers")
// convert to JSON
Dim json As String = RecordSetToJSON(r)
// and back
Dim rr As RecordSet = JSONToRecords(json)
Break // inspect in debugger
End EventHandler
We hope you enjoy this. Please try it and send us questions if you need more help.