Last days for special hotel rate for XDC 2019

The hotel offers the same rooms regularly for about $269 per night, so the rate is very good!There is still time to plan your trip to Miami and we are seeing great prices on flights (Roundtrip from Boston: $124, Denver $130, Raleigh $179, Chicago $161, Austin $179, San Francisco $236, Salt Lake City $201, Portland $209, Atlanta $118, London $407, Barcelona $572, Paris $678, etc. ! Our hotel room block (and amazing room rate of $149) only lasts through Monday, March 25th, so book your hotel room ASAP.
May 1-3, 2019 | Miami, Florida | Marriott Biscayne Bay
Sessions | Networking | Fun
Watch our 2018 highlights video to hear from attendees what it's like!
XDC Home Sessions List Agenda Register
If you like to attend a conference, there is a the bigger official Xojo Developer Conference in May 2019 in Miami and our European Xojo conference in Cologne in October 2019.
As there is non XDC 2020 planned, if you though to skip 2019 and come next year, please reconsider. As posted in Xojo forum, Xojo Inc. does currently not plan with a XDC 2020 and we expect an announcement for a 2021 XDC later this year.