MBS Xojo Plugins, version 19.1pr6

- Added AddMediaFile method to WordFileMBS class.
- Added simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox property for SKPaymentMBS class.
- Added restoreCompletedTransactionsWithApplicationUsername method to SKPaymentQueueMBS class.
- Added downloadContentLength, downloadContentLengths, downloadContentVersion and subscriptionGroupIdentifier to SKProductMBS class.
- Added TerminateForInvalidReceipt method to SKReceiptRefreshRequestMBS class.
- Added appStoreReceiptURL, requestReview and StoreReviewAvailable to StoreKitMBS module.
- Added new methods for UTF8 to StringHandleMBS class.
- Added NSTextCheckingResultMBS class.
- Added more methods to NSSpellCheckerMBS class.
- Manually applied CURL fix: vauth/oauth2: Fix OAUTHBEARER token generation #3377
- Removed manifest information from CURL plugin which stated a runtime DLL is needed, which was wrong.
- Fixed option passing for MKMapSnapshotterMBS constructor.
- Added more methods for LargeNumberMBS.
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