Connecting to PostgreSQL with SSL and client certificate file in Xojo
So here a sample code about how to connect with a client side certificate, a private key and the root certificates to validate against:
dim r as new SQLDatabaseMBS
// the certificate and key files. PEM files work, too.
Dim certFile As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("postgresql.crt")
Dim authFile As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("root.crt")
Dim keyFile As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("postgresql.key")
// where the library file is located. dylib for Mac.
Dim LibFile As FolderItem = GetFolderItem("libpq.5.11.dylib")
// get native paths:
Dim certPath As String = certFile.NativePath
Dim authPath As String = authFile.NativePath
Dim keyPath As String = keyFile.NativePath
Dim libPath As String = LibFile.NativePath
// options from here:
// build the option strings
dim options as string = _
"dbname='myDatabase' "+_
"connect_timeout=2 "+_
"application_name='test' " + _
"sslrootcert='"+authPath+"' "+_
"sslcert='"+certPath+"' "+_
"sslkey='"+keyPath+"' "+_
const host = ""
const port = "63996"
r.DatabaseName = "PostgreSQL:"+host+","+port+"@"+options
// credentials
r.UserName = "xxx"
r.Password = "yyy"
// set path to library
r.Option(r.kOptionLibraryPostgreSQL) = libPath
If r.Connect() Then
MsgBox "Connected"
MsgBox r.ErrorMessage
End If
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