MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.6pr3
- Added CURLSMBS.FormClear method.
- Updated CURL to version 7.63.0.
- Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1a.
- Fixed bug with edge case in SplitCommaSeparatedValuesMBS function.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Added ArchiveReadDiskMBS and ArchiveWriteDiskMBS classes to adding files to archives.
- Added more methods to ArchiveWriterMBS, ArchiveReaderMBS and ArchiverMBS classes.
- Updated libexpat to version 2.2.6.
- Updated libarchive to version 3.3.3.
- Fixed a problem with MySQL DLL loading.
- Removed DisableAquaPrefMenuMBS and EnableAquaPrefMenuMBS (Carbon 32-bit only).
- Removed AlternateTitleMBS and ExposeHiddenMBS, GrowBoxTransparentMBS, TransitionWindowMBS, UpdateDockWindowMBS, WindowMoveToActiveSpaceMBS, and WindowVisibleInAllSpacesMBS from window class. (Carbon 32-bit only).
- Removed GrowIconMBS class.
- Removed NavigationDialogMBS, NavigationDialogOptionsMBS, NavigationDialogResultMBS, NavigationTypeListMBS and NavigationTypeMBS classes.
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