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FileMaker based iOS App to the App Store

Wether you target the public iOS App Store or only the ones for business or education, your iOS app needs to go through Apple's review. The automatic tests are also needed for use of Testflight. In general the FileMaker iOS SDK made apps can go through this process.

You can use plugins in your iOS app, but the automatic tests started to complain about the plugins earlier this year. Apple's tests don't recognized the .fmplugin file name extensions for plugins, so the files are not allowed to be in the plug-ins folder inside the app. Moving the plugin file to Frameworks folder caused the complain about missing .framework file extensions. Naming the plugin file with .framework fixes the complain, but FileMaker engine didn't load it, until yesterday. The new version 17.0.4 of the SDK changed the behavior and now the plugin loads from frameworks folder!

To add the plugin, follow this steps:
* Create a new folder in Finder and name it Frameworks.
* Add the MBS Plugin framework file for device or simulator there.
* Drag & Drop the folder to the Xcode project into the files list on the left.
* Choose folder reference in the dialog.
* Build your app.

The plugin does not need to be linked to the app, just be in the right folder. When you run the project, the framework gets copied into the app and you should see it as on the screenshot above.

For the app store make sure, you use the arm64 version (device folder) of the plugin. Please make sure you have the privacy strings, an provision profile for your app and enabled push notifications. Once everything is set, you can upload the app and get it though the automatic checks.

Kudos to FileMaker Inc. for listening and helping us to get the plugin loading.
Once Apple changes the rules in the future, more changes may be required.

Please get new MBS FileMaker Plugin in version 8.6pr3 or newer from us. Get the updated FileMaker iOS SDK 17.0.4. You'll need a developer account with Apple and an iOS device for testing may be useful.
12 12 18 - 15:13