MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.5pr5

- Updated CURL to version 7.62.0.
- Added CURL.SetOptionDOHURL, CURL.SetOptionUpkeepIntervalMS, CURL.SetOptionUploadBufferSize and CURL.Upkeep.
- Changed PDFKit.Print to automatically disable print dialogs when printing on FileMaker Server.
- Added keyboard shortcuts command +, - and = to change magnification in any table. Great for presentations.
- Changed Files.FileName to work on Windows/Linux if last character in path is (back)slash.
- Added WebView.Screenshot and Window.Screenshot for iOS.
- Improved Audit.Changed and related to set last error for SQL calls.
- Improved XML.Import to better detect lists of XML nodes.
- Fixed problem with SystemInfo.ComputerName returning extra characters.
Version number reported it 8.5.04, sorry.