MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.5pr4

- Added check to FM.InsertOrUpdateRecord2 to detect duplicate fields passed.
- Added Audit.Backup and Audit.Backup2 to add data to audit log without editing.
- Changed Audit functions, so FieldHash is optional now if you have FieldValue. FieldID can be used if you have no FieldName.
- Changed Audit functions to query field names in AuditLog table by SQL instead of looking for an AuditLog layout. The AuditLog layout is now optional and can be renamed.
- Now we remember custom functions column widths, too.
- Added SyntaxColoring.GetRememberColumnWidths and SyntaxColoring.SetRememberColumnWidths functions.
- Fixed FM.SQL.Execute to clear lasterror on success.
- Fixed problem on Windows with Audit introduced in pr3.
- Fixed problem with Encryption.EncryptAES function if byte size is not a multiply of 16.
- Added Debugger.CurrentLineNumber function.
- Implemented Files.GetNodeID and Files.GetPathFromNodeID for Windows.
- Fixed parameter check for Events.Participant.Name and related functions.
- Added Plugin.CallErrorScriptTrigger and Plugin.SetErrorScriptTrigger function.
- Fixed SystemInfo.UserName for Windows.
- Improved handling of extra quotes in CSV text for List.CSVSplit function.