MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 18.4

For the MacOS 10.14 Mojave release, we got a few changes in our plugin. The NSColorMBS class got 40 new colors for better supporting light and dark mode. The AVCaptureDeviceMBS class has new methods to check authentication status and request authentication for video and audio device access. In the new operation system user needs to give permissions to applications before they can use camera or microphone. The functions working on Node IDs for files on MacOS got updated to use new APIs for Apple File System. For NSAppleScriptMBS we got a method to determinate whether you have permissions to control another application and request permissions from the user.
We got a new example to detect QR-Codes, faces and text areas via CIDetectorMBS class. The video is received via AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS and processed in background, so your main thread stays free while the work in done on a preemptive thread. If you just want to get pictures in Xojo, we can do the conversion from YUV to RGB in the preemptive thread.
Our encryption plugin got new functions to work with S/Mime standard. This may be useful to work on encrypted emails or web forms. Our PKeyMBS class can now open key files directly and query content.
The socket classes got improvements: RAWSocketMBS can now do Listen and Accept to receive multiple connections for TCP/IP like a ServerSocket. UDPSocketMBS and RAWSocketMBS now handle better IPv6 vs. IPv4 protocols and got a new AddressFamily property.
Our BitRotateMBS function allows to rotate 1-bit bitmaps easier by 90, 180 or 270 degrees and use multiple preemptive threads. The direct show functions to record video use higher resolutions is available. We got a new CATextLayerMBS class for layers on MacOS and SQL operations can be cancelled easier.
The OverlayMBS class got a new draw event, so you can draw yourself with CoreGraphics on MacOS and get the window class name for Windows, so you can change properties of the class.
Finally we updated CURL to version 7.61.1, DynaPDF to, Growl on Windows for 64-bit, LibXML2 to 2.9.8., SQLAPI to 4.3.3, SQLite to 3.25.0 and Xcode to version 9.4.
See release notes for a complete list of changes.