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Missing LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace for iOS Apps

If you recently submitted a FileMaker iOS app to the App Store, you may have got the following message from Apple:

Invalid Document Configuration - Document Based Apps should support either the Document Browser (UISupportsDocumentBrowser = YES) or implement Open In Place (LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace = YES/NO)

Once again Apple improves the automatic checks on applications to find bugs in the configuration. The FileMaker app declares in the info.plist file in the bundle, that it works as editor for a few file types. For an iOS app, this usually includes the FileMaker Document type with the extension fmp12 (unless you change that).

An application declaring file types must specify whether it can open them in place or needs copies to work on. This is new since the introduction of the iCloud file synchronization. To fix, you'd need to add the missing LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace key to the info.plist file.

In Xcode, please locate to the project settings and there to the target settings. In the Info tab you find the info.plist settings for the applications. In the section for custom iOS target properties, you add a new entry with the following values:

Name: Supports opening documents in place
Type: Boolean
Value: NO

Please try and see if your app still runs. As we expect that FileMaker may not do the extra coordination for secure scoped bookmarks, we use the value NO above, so the OS may do copy files to temp folder for FileMaker to access them.

The key is documented here on the Apple developer website in the LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace section. The biggest plugin in space...
19 09 18 - 10:16