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Using Emojis in FileMaker

As you may know, FileMaker uses Unicode text with 16bit, so Character() function doesn't work with the bigger codes for getting emojis like 128512.

As an example you can go to the Full Emoji List and pick a smily. e.g. first one has unicode code point 1F600, which is a hex number, so we convert it using the calculator or Math.HexToDec function. This gives us 128512 and char(128512) gives just a wrong result. But our MBS( "Text.Character"; 128512 ) function call works and returns the smiley as text: 😀.

We can also get flags by using Text.Character and the right magic number or the start: 127397. If you add the ascii code of the letters for the country, you get back the unicode characters forming the flags.

Here Germany (DE) as example:

MBS( "Text.Character"; 127397 + Code ( "D" )) & MBS( "Text.Character"; 127397 + Code ( "E" ))

This returns 🇩🇪. Try it for your country!

In Xojo, this calculation would be:

Encodings.UTF8.Chr(127397+asc("D"))+Encodings.UTF8.Chr(127397+asc("E")) Claris FileMaker Plugin
17 09 18 - 19:45