MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.4pr5
- Changed ID used in code signatures to match the ID in the info.plist of the plugin dylibs for Mac App Store checks.
- Changed plugins to load LDAP framework dynamically instead of linking to it directly.
- Updated Growl Windows code to work better with 64-bit and TCP mode. WindowsGrowlMBS class is now cross platform.
- Added filter methods to NSViewMBS.
- Added AVPlayerMBS Playing property.
- Added more convenience functions for Contacts classes: allContacts, AllFetchKeys, unifiedContactsMatchingPredicate, unifiedContactWithIdentifier, unifiedMeContact for CNContactStoreMBS class and new CNContactFetchRequestMBS constructor.
- Updated LibXML2 to version 2.9.8.
- Added CNContactStoreMBS.groupsByName and CNContactStoreMBS.groupsForContact functions.
- New BitRotateMBS function is now threaded, so it will use 2 to 4 threads to do work faster.
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