MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.3pr3

- Fixed a problem with ODBC crashing on Linux with using freetds to connect to Microsoft SQL Server.
- Added RAWSocketMBS.Connect method to take IPv4/IPv6/hostname to connect.
- Added Protocol and SocketType properties to RAWSocketMBS and UDPSocketMBS class.
- Updated SSH2SessionMBS.Constructor to work with IPv4 and IPv6 as well as domain names.
- Added SSH2TunnelMBS class.
- Improved Socket handlign to better get IPv4 and IPv6 handled in various socket functions.
- Updated optipng to version 0.77.
- Added Debug, Fix, Overwrite, Quiet, Snip, StripAll and Verbose properties to PNGOptimizerMBS class.
- Updated DisableScreenUpdatesMBS, EnableScreenUpdatesMBS and Window.UpdateNowMBS for 32/64-bit.
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