CubeSQL support for MBS Xojo SQL Plugin
So you can use our InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS module to activate it with the Use command. This works the same way as our InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS module for SQLite and InternalPostgreSQLLibraryMBS for PostgreSQL. Once called, you don't need the cubesql dll file anymore, but use the one built into the plugin.
As usual you can use CubeSQL with our own SQLConnectionMBS interface or with SQLDatabaseMBS interface with the Xojo database interface.
// use internal CubeSQL library
call InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS.Use
dim db as new SQLDatabaseMBS
db.Option("APPNAME") = "Xojo Test"
db.Option("ConnectionTimeout") = "5" // 5 seconds timeout?
db.Option("ConnectionEncryption") = "AES128" // or "AES192" or "AES256"
db.DatabaseName = "cubesql:localhost@mydatabase.sqlite"
db.UserName = "admin"
db.Password = "admin"
if db.Connect then
dim r as RecordSet = db.SQLSelect("select sqlite_version()")
if r = nil or r.eof then
MsgBox "Failed to query version."
MsgBox "Version: "+r.IdxField(1).StringValue
end if
end if
Betatesters are welcome and we include that in version 18.3 of our MBS Xojo SQL Plugin.