MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.2pr8

- Added UUID.Number function.
- Updated CURL to version 7.60.0.
- Added CURL.SetOptionDNSShuffleAddresses and CURL.SetOptionHAProxyProtocol.
- Added UUID.FromNumber and UUID.ToNumber functions.
- Added iOSApp.GetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate, iOSApp.GetWillResignActiveEvaluate, iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveEvaluate, iOSApp.SetDidBecomeActiveScript, iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveEvaluate and iOSApp.SetWillResignActiveScript for iOS to run script when screen goes to sleep.
- Changed IKScannerDevicePanel.SetDocumentName to change the name in the panel while it's open.
- Improved argument passing for Shell.Execute.
- Fixed bug in Shell.IsRunning on Linux.
- Created example database for CURL functions to query FileMaker Server Admin API.
- Little fixes for FileMaker version 17.