MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.2pr5

- Added RemoteControlMBS WinBringProcessToTop method.
- Added exportMT method to AVAssetExportSessionMBS class.
- Added append method to AVMutableCompositionMBS class.
- Added more printing related functions to WebFrameViewMBS class.
- Added printing related events to WebUIDelegateMBS class.
- Changed TextColor, BackColor and BorderColor in DynaPDFFieldExMBS class from Integer to UInt32.
- Added CanvasGesturesMBS class.
- Added JSONMBS.ToHTML function.
- Fixed problem with CDPolarChartMBS.radialAxis freed too often.
- Added TextArea WinSpellcheckingMBS property.
Or ask us to be added to our shared Dropbox folder.
PS: SQL Plugin broke for RecordSet class. Please keep pr4 for SQL Plugin.