Working on new Store Kit functions

For the next MBS Plugin we work on functions for the Mac and iOS App Store.
While this is still work in progress and getting your iOS or Mac App in the app store is quite a challenge, we prepare the necessary functions to do sell items to the user. For example you could have a solution where user buys a subscription or upgrades from trial to full version with an in-app purchase.
Before you would check our plugin functions, please read documentation from Apple on how this works. You will have to setup products in iTunes Connect website and add entitlements for in-app purchase to your app.
First you query products and you get back the product definitions you entered on Apple's website. Our StoreKit.QueryProducts function will do this and you may call it in the start script in your solution. Than later you can use StoreKit.Products to get the JSON with the definitions:
"localizedDescription" : "Just a little contribution from you. Thanks.",
"formattedPrice" : "$8.99",
"price" : 8.99,
"productIdentifier" : "123",
"downloadable" : false,
"localizedTitle" : "A donation to developer",
"priceLocale" : "en_US@currency=USD"
At any time you can use StoreKit.Transactions function to query transactions and their status:
"transactionIdentifier" : "C2CF465A-BC94-4705-BE9E-E5A02A6DD422",
"transactionState" : "Failed",
"payment" : {
"quantity" : 1,
"productIdentifier" : "123"
"error" : "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"
And with StoreKit.AddPayment function you can start a payment process for an item. You setup a trigger to run when transactions update. So you can check if something is purchased. Than you unlock functions and call StoreKit.FinishTransaction function to let the App store know you delivered.
We are looking for interested FBA partners who want to add this to their FileMaker iOS SDK application or Mac runtime. Let us know if you are interested.