MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.2pr3

- Added NSApplicationMBS.runModalForWindow function.
- Added over 50 more CURL options.
- Added more constants for CURL.
- Added NSURLConnectionFilterMBS class for timeout change for Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket on Mac.
- Added CURLSSSLBackendMBS class.
- Added GetInfoActiveSocket, GetInfoHTTPVersion, GetInfoProtocol, GetInfoProxySSLVerifyResult and GetInfoScheme methods to CURLSMBS.
- Added brotliVersion, brotliVersionNumber, iconvVersionNumber, libidnVersion, libsshVersion, SupportsBrotli, SupportsConv, SupportsGSSAPI, SupportsHTTPSProxy, SupportsKerberos5, SupportsMultiSSL, SupportsNTLMWB, SupportsPSL, SupportsTLSAUTHSRP and SupportsUnixSockets properties to CURLSVersionMBS class.
- Added CURLSMBS.LasterrorText property.
- Changed CURLSMultiMBS and other variants of it to have Pipelining be an integer property and added constants for it.
- We filter events for OverlayMBS.MouseWheel which have a zero delta.
- Updated to Xojo 2018r1 plugin SDK.
- Changed CURLSMBS.SetupAWS to no longer complain for empty path string as this is needed for AWS Translate.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Improved fields functions for WordFileMBS class to better read/write fields.
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