MBS FileMaker Plugin, version 8.0pr7

- Added XL.LoadBookPartially function.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed problem with AVExport.ExportSessionMerge and new example to work.
- Added AVAsset.WaitForLoaded function.
- Changed DynaPDF.Initialize to return expiration error if license key is too old.
- Trace function now writes text content for external containers, so you see the path.
- Changed color of disclosure triangle in button setup to be light gray instead of dark gray in case the plugin turns panel to black background.
- Updated Events functions to work on iOS.
- Updated Clipboard functions to work on iOS.
- Updated AVExport functions to work on iOS.
- Updated CGImageSource functions to work on iOS, e.g. to convert HEIF images.
- Changed Events.Item.SetCalendar to pick reminder calendar by name if you edit reminder and not an events calendar.
- Changed WindowsUserNotification.ShowNotification to better handle empty texts.
- Changed SystemInfo.HardDiscSerial on Mac to prefer serial from internal disk.
- Fixed SQL.GetFieldAsDate to assign a date and not a timestamp.
- Fixed bug in CURL.SetupAWS when wrong date was used.
- Fixed bug search for FileMaker 14 and 15 to redraw table when editing search text to give instant search results (failed only in FMP15).